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"Technology is not just a tool,

it can give learners a voice that they 

may have not had before!"

George Couros


In our school, the teaching of computing is designed to foster a strong sense of belonging in the digital world, ensuring that every child feels confident and included. Through discovery and delight, we aim to make learning in computing an engaging journey, sparking curiosity and creativity. Our approach is empowering, equipping pupils with the skills and knowledge to navigate and shape the ever-evolving digital landscape. We nurture belief in their abilities to solve problems and embrace technology, encouraging perseverance as they tackle challenges, fostering resilience, critical thinking, and a love for innovation.


Our bespoke curriculum has been created to allow for creativity through cross curricular learning to make learning more meaningful. For example, the digital music topic in year 2 links to the African music topic which is done in the same term. In year 4 they study information technology – an introduction to publisher which is linked to their geography topic of Barcelona vs Madrid.




Computing topics form key drivers within our new curriculum. Children spend a term focusing on a computing topic in order to gain a deep and broad understanding. Each class will complete topics through computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Online safety topics are taught each half term through PSHE lessons and often referred to during school forums and school assemblies. Within the lessons, children have the opportunity to explore, be creative using a range of programs, develop skills and knowledge and as well as learning how to stay safe online.



At Hope School we recognise that computing is more than just coding and technology; it is a vital tool that supports our students' social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) development. Our computing curriculum is designed following the National Curriculum to engage learners through interactive and collaborative projects that foster a sense of achievement and belonging.

By integrating technology into our lessons, we empower our students to express themselves creatively and communicate effectively. This encourages confidence and self-esteem as they navigate digital platforms, develop their ideas, and showcase their work.

Through group activities and collaborative projects, students learn to work as part of a team, enhancing their social skills and emotional awareness. These experiences not only promote teamwork but also help students build relationships and develop empathy for their peers.

Our focus on safe online practices and digital citizenship teaches students to navigate the digital world responsibly. By fostering an understanding of healthy online behaviors, we help them manage their digital interactions and reduce anxiety related to technology use.

We connect computing lessons to real-world scenarios, allowing students to see the relevance of their skills beyond the classroom. This connection helps motivate students and gives them a sense of purpose, reinforcing their engagement with learning.

Overall, our computing program is a cornerstone of our approach to supporting SEMH, enabling our students to thrive both academically and personally. We are dedicated to equipping them with the skills and confidence they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world.

Key Vocabulary:

Class 1

Online Safety




Class 2

Class 3

Class 4



Word art


Class 5

Class 6 

Class 7

Useful Links:

Computing apps
