Key Information
Contact Details
Hope School
Hartsbourne Avenue
L25 2RY
For enquiries, please contact: Mrs. H Stewart (School Business Manager) via email,
SENCo: Mrs. H. Gorman :
All admission requests for Hope School must go through the Liverpool SEND department.
For your convenience we have provided information on admissions for mainstream (LA) settings below.
Please see below the guide to apply for a school place (step 1) and a guide to making an admissions application following registration (step 2) for Liverpool City Council.
There is also some further information about choosing and applying for a school Reception place for the upcoming academic year.
Liverpool Admissions – link to Liverpool website
Local Authority Preference
Inspection Reports
OFSTED visited Hope School in April 2019.
Hope School were awarded:
Achievement of Pupils: Outstanding
Quality of Teaching: Outstanding
Behaviour and Safety of Pupils: Outstanding
Leadership and Management: Outstanding
Overall effectiveness: Outstanding
Pupil Premium (Deprivation Funding)
Closing The Gap Funding | Hope School (
Teaching swimming and water safety during Key Stage 1 or 2 is a requirement of the national curriculum PE programme of study.
for the 2023 - 24 academic year our year 6 pupils are accessed during swimming sessions for the following:
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?
12 out of out of 15 pupils (80%) were able to swim at least 25 meters.
Schools Financial Benchmarking
Schools Financial Benchmarking | Hope School (
Requests for Paper Copies
All information displayed on Hope School website is available in alternative formats. Please contact Mrs. H Stewart on to make a request.
Any information the school holds on individual pupils and their families will only be shared with relevant authorities if and when necessary.
Subject Access - Pupils have the right to see their personal information. This must be requested in writing on the contact details above. Pupils and parents also have the right to request access to pupils educational records.
Article 2; The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.