Subject Report
Phonics is taught daily across Hope School. Pupils who have advanced above phonics will complete daily reading comprehension lessons.
At Hope we use the Read, Write Inc. phonics programme.
RWI is a complete literacy programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling. We use the programme in First School and is part of our commitment to get all children reading by the age of six.
Fred the Frog plays an important role in our phonics lessons. Fred is only able to speak in sounds, not whole words. We call this Fred Talk. Fred helps the children read unfamiliar words by pronouncing each sound in the word at a time. Children can start blending sounds into words as soon as they know a small group of sounds well. During lessons children are taught to hear sounds and blend them together in sequence to make a word. We start with blending sounds orally, then progress to reading the letters and blending them together to read the word.
Set 2 Speed Sounds
- set-2-speed-sounds-air.pdf
- set-2-speed-sounds-ar.pdf
- set-2-speed-sounds-ay.pdf
- set-2-speed-sounds-ee - Copy.pdf
- set-2-speed-sounds-long-oo.pdf
- set-2-speed-sounds-or.pdf
- set-2-speed-sounds-ow.pdf
- set-2-speed-sounds-oy.pdf
- set-2-speed-sounds-short-oo.pdf
How to say the sounds