Physical Education (PE) is vital in providing opportunities for pupils to experience and develop their skills in a range of movements and non competitive and competitive sporting activities, to improve and foster positive physical and mental wellbeing. Our intent is to deliver high-quality teaching and learning that inspire all pupils to participate, enjoy and succeed. Through PE pupils will learn to cooperate to achieve common goals and reflect on their practice and suggest improvements, instilling life long skills such as respect, a sense of belonging and problem solving.
We help motivate children to participate in a range of sports and physical activities through high-quality teaching that is both engaging and motivating for our pupils. We instill our pupils with the necessary skills to become effective participants in a wide range of sports, who can work with determination, cooperation and respect, so that they can foster a life long passion for sport. We aim to enable our pupils to hopefully grow up to live happy and healthy lives by utilising the skills and knowledge that they have acquired through PE.
Hope School offers a range of PE for all children which can be observed on this page, but in addition to this pupils have further opportunities to experience wider physical activities in addition to the PE Curriculum.
Aerial Ninjas - Pupils learn how to use the silks and hanging hoops, both individually and in pairs in this performative sport that implements of dance and gymnastics.
Swimming - We visit a local swimming pool and get external lessons from the swimming instructors at the pool following the National Curriculum.
Climbing wall - we have an on sight climbing wall where the children learn how to climb, boulder and solve problems as part of OAA.
Curriculum Map PE 24 - 25
PE Vocabulary Word Map
As pupils move through the curriculum they will experience a wide range of physical activities and sports and with this they will develop their technical vocabulary, please see a break down below of how pupils' will be introduced and encouraged to use these.
Years 1 and 2 | Years 3 and 4 | Years 5 and 6 |
General Fundamental movement skill, Agility, Balance, coordination, control, copy, repeat. Games hit, move, safely, kick, tactics, decide, rules. Gymnastics Curl, tense, stretch, relax, control, travel, copy, sequence, improve, perform, feedback, stillness, flow. Aerial Ninjas Hoop, Silk, copy, perform, create, control, match, mirroring, express, feeling, slow, fast, flow. Athletics Throw for accuracy, underarm, throw for distance, overarm, sprint, jog, hop, skip, jump. Swimming Safety, wade, bob, splash, duck, blow, bubbles, kick, pull, float
| General Fundamental movement skill, Agility, Balance, coordination, control, copy, compare and contrast, repeat, combination, plan, follow, together. Games Throw, catch, control, awareness of space, support, strike and field, accuracy, rules, possession, tactics, outwit an opponent. Aerial Ninjas Hoop, Silk, apparatus, criteria, strength, suppleness, plan, repeat, sequence, perform, praise, feedback. Athletics Change speed and direction, underarm, overarm, throwing, technique, distance, sprint, accuracy, personal best. Outdoor and Adventurous Safety, risk, follow, route, plan, Swimming Safety, duck, blow, bubbles, kick, pull, float, stroke, front crawl, back stroke, breath
| Games Possession, forehand, backhand, field, tactics, defending, attacking, techniques, pass, dribble and shoot. Striking, implement, rules, umpire, and strategy. Gymnastics Complex extended sequences, combine, perform, consistency, audience, link, vault, spring. Aerial Ninjas Compose, creative, perform, demonstrate extension, fluency, accuracy and consistency. Athletics Control, accuracy, techniques, combine, distance, compete, improve personal best, stamina. Outdoor and Adventurous Location, compass, navigate, overcome problems, plan, route, safety, danger, leadership. Swimming Swim, unaided, basic stroke, front crawl, breast stroke, back stroke, kick and glide, coordinate, isolate, sculling, self-rescue, dolphin kick, breathing, surface. |