At Hope School we are artists, authors, mathematicians, scientists, historians, geographers, musicians, theologists, athletes, digital thinkers and designers.
Our bespoke Hope school curriculum has our school values running throughout, which are:
- Belonging
- Discovery and delight
- Empowering
- Belief and perseverance
We aim to imbed our values within everything we do at Hope School.
In this section of our website you will find information about our school's curriculum, which includes:
- Curriculum Maps
- Progression Maps
- Vocabulary
- Any relevant policies (Subject Specific)
Class pages are another source of information to help to support you with your child's learning.
Further subject specific information can be found in the Curriculum Subjects page. Here you will find additional information about each of the National Curriculum subjects and the exciting things happening at our school.
*Please speak to a member of SLT regarding withdrawal from any R.E./RSE/PSHE lessons and they will be more than happy to discuss the options with you.*
At Hope we offer a bespoke curriculum, which challenges pupils whilst encouraging discovery and delight. Hope’s curriculum looks at the needs of the pupils, high quality teaching and experiences, which promote opportunities for pupils to develop their skills and knowledge. The curriculum is progressive and builds on prior learning ensuring pupils are confident learners. Our curriculum is in line with the National Curriculum and has been developed to ensure our pupils make progress and learn in a way that suits their individual needs.
We believe that by offering the pupils tangible experiences through school trips, experiences and residentials, they will be engaged and enthused in their learning which will support pupils retention of the crucial knowledge set out for them. For example, in D&T pupils visit the local supermarket and purchase the food they need to make a meal. This not only enhances the D&T teaching sequence but supports the development of life skills too.
Hope school has carefully designed its curriculum to support pupils with acquiring key knowledge and skills with its progressive curriculum, that builds on prior knowledge. Maths follows White Rose and lessons consist of Fluency, Reasoning and problem- solving activities with support pupils in fully understanding the skill and retaining the knowledge. In English, pupils follow an immerse, analyse and write scheme. This allows pupils to fully immerse in to the genre they are studying and supports speaking and listening skills, analyse helps pupils to fully understand the features of the genre and learn about how different genres are written and what is needed to make them a good piece of work. Finally, pupils write their own piece of writing in the style of the genre they have studied, this is then edited and re-written as a final piece. Science and each wider curriculum lesson is broken down into 3 parts, beginning with retrieval, to support recalling learnt information from the previous week, topic, or year. This is followed by new learning which is taught through exciting lessons with engaging tasks for the pupils to complete. The final part is reflection which draws all learning together. Pupils access a similar curriculum to mainstream schools but use adaptative teaching to ensure it meets each pupil’s individual needs.
Planning is progressive and follows a sequence, every topic starts with a hook lesson aimed to immerse the children in the topic of study. This hook enables a sense of awe and wonder capturing their imagination, ready for the learning ahead. The pupils are exposed to carefully chosen vocabulary and is a key aspect in all areas of our curriculum.
Formative assessment happens throughout every lesson, with summative assessment taking place at the end of each topic for the curriculum. These assessments support teacher judgements and help them to identify which pupils are achieving and not achieving against the planned curriculum. It is also an opportunity for teachers to reflect on what the gaps are in the pupil's knowledge and consider next steps.
Hope School Curriculum Overview
Hope School Curriculum Manuel