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School Logo

Contact Details & Opening Times

Head Teacher : Mrs. M. O'Neill
Hope School
251 Hartsbourne Avenue
Belle Vale
L25 2RY

Office Telephone: 0151 363 3130
For all enquiries please email

Mrs. Helen Stewart:



Our school SENDCo is Mrs. H. Gorman

She can be contacted via the school office on 0151 363 3130 or by email to

Chair of Governors: Mr. David Blythe


 Hope School 

251 Hartsbourne Avenue


L25 2RY

Opening Times and School Hours

School opens to children at 8:25am. 

Pupils will be greeted by staff from their taxis. 

Our school day ends at 2pm. 

Transport will be called on a first come first served basis. 



Our school hours total 28 hours per week to support the needs of our children. 

If pupils travel time is accounted this increases to over 32.5 hours per week. 

Contact Us

Requests for Copies


We will provide copies of all information contained within the Hope School website free of charge to any appropriate persons  if requested. Please contact the school office above to discuss. 
