School Forum
AL Forum 22/03/19
Topic - World Water Day
War hammer pack JG
Head boy meeting JA
Sport at CAP WC
More visitors CB
Talent show CD
Different lessons
Graffiti wall JG
Boxing Club EP
Bikes NR
Forum date change to next Wednesday.
World water day Forum
Pupils worked in teams to unscramble an anagram to identify it was world water day.
AL then went around and gave one child from every class a glass of water however the water looked very dirty. Pupils then discussed the fact there are 2.1 billion people in the world who live without access to clean water.
Pupils then worked in groups to identify:
Why they think people have to drink dirty water
The dangers of drinking dirty water
How they think it would make them feel to drink dirty water
Some of the feedback was:
Pupils feel sad because people have to drink water
It would make you feel sick if you had to drink it
People have to walk for miles to have some clean water
If you drink dirty water over and over it can cause you to die.
Pupils then watched a video about how lucky we are to have access to clean water ‘just a trip away’ and about the dangers of dirty water that people face as well as learning more about the consequences of this for people in developing countries.
Pupils took part in a discussion about what we could do to help people in developing countries.
We then watched another short video which gave us information about water waste and how we could reduce our water waste and we designed a poster to promote the reduction of water waste in our class’.
Forum closed at 10:56
Friday 15th March 2019 - Forum
Lead by - Miss H Gee
Charity days
Maths Party
War hammer game
Ariel ninjas
Nerf war
English Party
HG discussed inspiration people and how we are all different
Pupils worked in groups to discuss how we are all different
Some of the pupil suggestions were:-
We all like different things
We have different friends
We have different accents
Different skin tones
Our DNA is different
We wear different clothes
Some people have ADHD some don't
Nu said if were all the same it would be boring
We are different gender
We are talking about different famous people around the world and explaining how they have over come there difficulties
Everyone is different and everyone has there own unique parts
Understand how re differences make the world a better place
Task - 10 minutes fill in a form 'All About Me' - Class staff to display the form in your classroom
When these are done some people can share there answer to forum.
Some pupils got to share
Kellie Ann said that her favourite food was mash and gravy, pizza and hot dogs
Callum brown share that his favourite to show is ITV
Jack Coombs said his favourite food was chicken nuggets
Maisie shared that she best book is Matilda
Lexia said she loves to eat vegetables
Charlie kinsella said he favourite food was pizza
This activity shows that everyone is different and if you want your displayed in class ask you staff
Jayden graffiti wall and nerd wall will be passed onto SLT
Callum brown Red Nose Day, prize can me red noses next time
Mr Darkins explaining people might need to change form there PJs to comeplte there cap club but they can change if they need to
Kayden maths Party, wants more decorations for it
Sam aerial ninjas wants more time and more sessions to do aerial ninjas
Joseph wants an English Party as well a maths Party. Same set up as maths Party
Callum brown trips. Want to go on more trips, blue planet. Maybe the end of the year.
Red Nose Day raffle draw to take place. Three draws.
Red Nose has raise £120 so far.
First draw - Easter egg - winner . Kayden M
Second draw - Easter egg - winner junior Mac
Final draw - hamper - Jake mcbride
Charlie K presented with his leaving book as its his last day.
Forum closed 11am
- Give them medicine
- Join a campaign to raise awareness
- Make posters to raise awareness
- Adverts on tv / newspapers
- Hire an aeroplane with a banner
- Get girls to speak out
- Give money (fundraising days)
- Comic Relief fundraising Day next Friday (15-03-19) pupils can wear papa as or onesies
- Mr O.Neill mentioned running club and seen if pupils would be interested
- Mr Gorman mentioned alder hey charity and asked children to bring Easter eggs but asked pupils to think about bringing in other gifts rather than Easter eggs (dvds, games, art and crafts) but second hand toys/teddys/clothes/no food items
- Mr darkins mentioned that fridays free choice club will now be sports training and mentioned a school football team .
- Water bottles are now available and can be purchased for 2 pound
Forum - Friday 15th February 2019
Led by - H.Dunning
ART CLUB - when we return after half term, there will be an art club at cap time. It will not just be drawing and colouring. There will be lots of fun activities
MATHS PARTY will be held in July.
AFTER SCHOOL INDOOR GAMES CLUB - SLT will look at this for pupils who taxis are arriving late
SAFETY CLUB - Mr Gorman to look into a visitor to come in to do this session
TENNIS CLUB - Nathan would like a tennis cap choice. This will happen in summer term
DANCE CLUB - a disco is held at the end of each term
GARDENING CLUBS - mr Gorman has organised a trip to the memorial garden for pupils who are interested in to see mr Gorman. It will happen during the next half term. There will be more gardening activities in the summer term
BRING A TEDDY DAY - this can be included on Toyday at the end of each term
MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION - Mrs O'Neill has ordered new magazines that pupils have chosen that can be read during breakfast time. Pupils can not take these magazines home
A fitness challenge will be organised by mr O'Neill next term.
Pupils were reminded that last week was Mental Health week and this week Hope has been celebrating PSHE week . Pupils were asked in classes to discuss what they know about Mental Health.
Kappa think Mental Health can be related to having a eating disorder
Delta think it is keeping our brains safe
Gamma think it is being kind
We all have mental health tyesha
Keep your brain healthy and safe - maisie
Pupils recognised emotions they felt during the week by saying when they felt sad, happy or angry.
How do you look after your mental health?
Shower every night
Take a bath every night
Playing with friends help
Brushing your teeth day and night
Recognising what you feeling the inside
Reading and playing with toys
Exercise our brain
Kayden recognised we do medication in school to help our mental health.
Harry said motivating ourselves to do our work helps our MH
Jake mentioned we swim, play football to help our MH
Tyesha recognised we colour to help calm us down.
Should you deal with mental health on your own?
You can deal with it within on your own and if it gets worse you should go to see a doctor
Pupils watched a video regarding Mental Health and see what the influence of certain strategies have across the world and where told about the hashtag #itstimetotalk
Friday 1st February
Lead by – Miss Mahoney
Topic – Safer internet day
Water Bottles
*When the contributions are bought in, Mrs O’Neill will when then order the water bottles. These are £2 each.
More school trips
*Every half-term, every class will go on a trip. There will also be special non educational trips throughout the year.
Guitar Club
*Children want a guitar club. Mr. Gorman will arrange this.
Maths Shed
*Maths Shed will be purchased if numeracy maths based interventions are used more.
Safer Internet Day
Miss Mahoney gave each class a selection of images and the classes had to match up the images to the correct social media platform, these included Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat.
Classes were then asked whether they keep information safe.
They said
“We block emails we don’t trust”.
“We know meeting people online is dangerous”.
“We know what cyber bullying is and how to deal with it”.
Classes where then asked to answer 4 questions to answer as a class team
- Your friend asks you to join Facebook what would you do?
- You have made friends with a boy named Ryan, Ryan asks for a picture of you?
What do you do?
- You are on a website and it says you have won a prize what do you do?
- You want to join a website with lots of cool games, but first you must fill in a form and give all of your details. What should you do?
Pupils feeded back one answer from their discussion.
What should we do if somebody we don’t know texts us?
- Tell a parent or a teacher.
What should you do if somebody wants you to download software from their website?
- Download safe software offline.
What should you do if you have access to pay for online games?
- Ask the bill payer for permission.
What should you do if you have lost your mobile?
- Report your 'phone missing and get it blocked.
What should you do if somebody upsets you online?
- Block them!
Forum – Friday 25th January 2019
Lead by – A. Fox
Topic – Burns Night (Scottish Holiday)
Miss Fox introduced ‘Burns Night’ by asking classes do they know what this is and have they ever heard about it.
Kieran from Kappa thought that Burns Night was associated with Robert Burns. William from Gamma said he was from Scotland and Callum M from Kappa said he was famous for writing songs.
Miss Fox established that people from Scotland would be celebrating Burns Night today and asked each class to create a poem.
Which continent is Scotland in?
Which continent – Europe
Which country – UK
Robert Burns.
Youtube video on a poem written by Robert Burns in the Scottish dialect.
Pupils must find the correct dialect word to put in the correct space in the sentence. Each class were then asked to read the correct dialect, the dialect quizzed was wee, beastie, thy, canne, thee, a sma’, housie, mousie, wi’, canna, wit, auld, abide, bowf, afore and pibroch.
Each class then created a poem using Scottish words and presented their poems.
Callum B – Maths party
*Callum would like a Maths party. Mr. Gorman informed pupils that there will be a Maths party day in July but on Friday 1st February the school will be holding a Maths number day.
Jaiden W – Waterbottles
*Waterbottles will be bought by the school but a £2 contribution will be made and a letter will be sent out to parents. However, pupils are able to bring their own from home.
Mrs. O’Neill – Chloe After School Club
*After School Clubs have started with Miss Chloe. Mrs O’Neill would like pupils to come to her if they would like to join the club.
Jason G – Crumpets
Mr. Gorman – Football team
*Mr. Darkins has made contact with another school about arranging a football team. A football training CAP club will be happening after half-term for the boys/girls from upper school. Mr. Gorman will be then looking at a day for this to happen and enquiring about joining a school league.
Forum – Friday 18th January 2019
Forum lead by Mr Darkins
Focus – Design Technology
Forum opened at 10.18am
Pupils worked in small groups to identify the year a range of objectives were invited, matching the inventions to who invented them.
Mr Darkins spoke to pupils about how we use design technology within our school. He explained the reasoning for the design process and how the pupils can get the best out of the products they design.
Pupils practiced building a product without any instructions or design. Each class used different materials. Kappa and Nu used blocks, Omega and Sigma used Lego with Delta and Gamma using jigsaw pieces.
MD challenged pupils to complete their design within five minutes. Delta and Kappa were given the correct images of the jigsaw and other classes where given A3 paper to draw out their designs so they could have a better chance of completing their designs.
MD then asked each class what went well and what could have been better. Matthew from Nu said coming up with a plan helped improve their structure, he also said that everyone being involved could have worked better. Harry in Delta said that his class worked together and followed a plan. Jason commented Kappa worked as a team but they could have improved their design by adding how tall their tower was.
Jaiden from Sigma said they thought their design went well but they could have communicated as a team better. Owen from Omega commented that they followed a plan but when they began rushing it didn’t go to plan and they could have used their time more effectively. Nathan from Gamma commented Gamma worked well as a team but they could have each decided on a role which could have made them work faster.
- Jason would like a choice of crumpets at breakfast time. Mr. Gorman will look into this.
- Callum would like the recycling bins cleaned more often, Mr. O’Neill said that the echo leader from each class will clean the bins each week.
- Jaiden G would like a whole school trip, SLT will be looking into this into trips that link into the curriculum.
Thursday 6th December 2018
Mr Gorman - General knowledge quiz of the week in this weeks forum.
Christmas Jumper Day 14th Dec 18 Reminder nect Friday Christmas Jumper Day school unifrom bottoms and wear a Christmas jumper over your school uniform £! donation, cake sale, raffle and prize for the best Christmas Jumper.
Printing to much paper on the printers- Eco School Committee- only staff printing no children.
School water bottles- looking at them to order do the boys and girls want a bottle in class of their own and how much should we pay?
Ice Skating- Progress trip
Food bank appeal and Christmas toy appeal- Thank you to all pupils and staff who participated
Roller skating lessons for CAP-no skates in school.
Art lessons- more art lessons in school as a calming stratagies
Basketballs-Needle needed to pump up basketballs.
Bike fixing sessions for CAP and DT for free choice CAP.
Quiz of the week on PSHE Website on Hope School website page it can be accessed every week for pupils.
Go over the quiz of the week then complete bonus questions if there is a tie break.
Thursday 29th November 2018
Black History Month -Ms Fox
DT lessons more lessons will be delivered in class next term January 2019
Eco-Committee- Order more recycling bins for classes, plants in classes to make all pupils and staff turn off eletric when they are not being used, tidy classes at the end of the day and taking out the water fountains reusable water bottles will be avaliable in classes for all pupils. Any suggestions- box outside in the green area.
Free choice CAP different lessons will be rolled out next term
A history and geography week will be delivered next year to Hope School pupils.
Football teams- compete against other schools and local teams at Hope School.
Starter 5 minutes discussion about Black History Month in classes what have you learnt as a class group?
Stop racism, nelsons Mandella, rules needed to change, ti make everyone equal, martin Luther king, people do black history month to celebrate what b;lack people have done for the world. A power point and video was delivered to the children with a blurb from each class they have been looking at Ray Charles, Gamma focused on Rosa Parks. Kappa developed a fact file, Nu focused on Nelson Mandella, Omega have been researching the Obama family and Sigma have been looking into Mohammed Ali. All classes will now be split into two groups and look at other children's work on black History Month they will be given five minutes each to do this exploring. All boys and girls then took part in a quiz about all that they and other pupils a Hope had learnt over Black History Month lots of effort and learning was had over Black History Month.
Thursday 22nd November 2018
Ms Mahoney's Forum focus the importance of education
WC: Class pet would like a school pet bird, we already have a therapy dog at Hope School taken care of by Ms Roberts in the office.
CD: Mine craft education edition for ASDAN- decision made by class teacher.
Ms Gee: Post Box and Children in Need- Thanking all children and staff for Friday raised a lot of money. Christmas jumper day is on the 14th December and money is going to the Alzhimers Society.
Post box is now ready and in the dining hall.
Mr Gorman- Eric the school dog the dog needs training for 1 year and to be assessed. There are other ideas to get a school rabbit were children take it home on the weekend.
CB: New Lego- Use more lego in the classroom speak to class teacher and intervention staff.
Ms Jones class boys would like to know if they can have a class trip to ride BMX bikes.
DG: Hexbugs for indoor break- discussions with SLT
Today boys and staff will discuss send my friend to school campaign, it brings together pupils voices around the UK to discuss education around the world and its importance,
Activity 1 boys are given paper and asked to write both the positive for coming to school and the negatives of not coming to school on each side to understand how education is important.
Answers were as follows:
Get a job
Learn different lessons
Seeing friends and learning
You wouldn't be able to get a job
No break
Will struggle with friendship and socialization
No school, no job and will be poor.
Lessons are hard
No extra knowledge if don't attend school
Education is a route out of poverty but there are around 24 million children who have a disability and due to this they do not recieve an education, work is another reason why children do not go to school as they have to feed their families. War and natural disasters are also another issue why children do not attend education. The children who will miss out the majority of the time are girls, disabled children also children with language barriers who do not have English as their mother tongue.
All pupils will watch a video with regards to the Send y friend to school campaign.
Activity 2: Colouring
Thursday 8th November 2018
Forum- Mr Darkins
Warm up maths activity- All classes given a map and
Find out when the school dog is coming into Hope- Ms Roberts will discuss this and get a date for next weeks forum,
Children in Need- Next Friday 16th November Children in need day cake sale, raffle tickets and activities in class, can wear own clothes or fancy dress payment of £1.00 if not wanting to dress up come in to school in your uniform. (letters given out last week- no football kits permitted).
New stationary- New pencils given in classes.
WWF Looking after the animals-
Eco-Committee and Litter pickers- Mr O'Neill one person picked out of every class will be on the Eco-committee they will discuss eco-schools and ideas. A suggestion box is downstairs buy the printer. The Eco-Committee has an action plan eg: healthy schools., litter cleaning and energy aware in school. Planting in classes and have more recycling bins at Hope School. Badges have been ordered for Eco-Schools for pupils. Litter collecting volunteer group for in and outside of Hope School.
Christmas Production- Over 2 days the Christmas play will be completed to see the space for parents and visitors- Preform class by class.
Mr Darkins will speak about SMSC and how it is embedded into our school day and school work. Mr Darkins gave boys examples of SMSC and what we do with the SMSC on daily basis.
Activity 2: Tokens given out to complete a silent vote what part of smsc is the most important? All will answer this questions in their classes. The boys are using the maths skill of estimation to estimate what part of SMSC has the majority vote the boys and staff had the majority of Social. In class groups boys and girls will tell other children in their class what part of the SMSC they picked and why they will discuss this.
Closed 11.01am
18th October 2018
Ms Mahoney's Forum - Dwali
Sheets of paper handed out and boys wrote down what they wanted to discuss in their classes and picked the top 2 to discuss in forum.
Mindecraft on ipads education edition
MMA Boxing- Mr Gorman- Titanium Gym last term trainers asked whether boys wanted to go back to the gym and training- Boys have previously been enjoyed it.
,school disco- Halloween disco
Eco schools Mr O'Neill- Start thie year and everyone will take part in thier classes this term- asked wether boys wanted to join the Eco Committee- go around school and review how eco friendly Hope School is and what we can do as a school to promote this. Boys wil write a speech down to why they want to join and Mr O'Neil will read them and pick children for the Eco- Schools.
CAP clubs boys would like coding, cooking, fencing and climbing, disco.
Halloween day and disco
Paper mashay for cap club- Art for club successful and colouring for cap as one
colouring cap club- mindfulness
Drama cap club-
Make a post box at CAP- it has been started and will be up for next term
Science Cap and new stress toys
School band.
Boys asked what they know about Dwali- answers as follows that Dewali is a festival of light and it is an indian festival.
It is a festival of light and a Hindu festival lasting up to 5 days during October and November and is in honor of Lakishmi and it brings good luck to all. Houses are decorated and lamps are lit this is to bring good fortune.
Activity 1: Boys to make their own lantern in pairs and in their classes.
Forum ends:
11th October 2018
Ms Lyndsey : Forum today is around Random acts of kindness
AOB: Football lessons and mine craft and Mine craft education edition - CAP Club at free choice on Friday
Azdam for CAP- helping us prepare for future it is a qualification in personal hygiene and other lessons
Sports teams.
Music- learn how to play a musical instrument as drums in lessons within Hope School
School band- smaller pupils can learn how to play a musical instrument and benefit from this different type of learning.
Azdam Day as a launch day Ipads ,
Sports teams- Ms Woodberry get a football club in to Hope to learn new football skills and team work.
Volley ball- CAP Friday sessions
Basket ball at CAP time and Climbing wall
Dancing CAP club for free choice Friday
Watching a video explaining random acts of kindness
Activity 1: All given a place mat to fill in in their classes and how they can show random acts of kindness individually and as a class group. Boys responses were as follows:
Say thank you and help each other, listen to people when they are talking, give a gift to someone, share toys and playing games with people in my class, share with each other and be a friend to others, give lots of hugs if people are sad or need calming or rub a persons back to help them if they are sad. Smile at others, pick up litter to keep school clean and tidy, say good morning to someone to be kind and show interest and hold a door open to someone and say thank you.
Tomorrow staff will be given heart and give boys the paper hearts to give to pupils who they have seen being kind around Hope School. Boys can then keep these hearts to remind them to be kind to others- positive behavoral reinforcment
Forum finished 10.51 am
Thursday 4th October 2018
Head boy and Head Girl Voting Forum lead by Ms Gee
New stress toys- JA would like more
Halloween party- TL discussed by SLT and this will be discussed at next weeks forum.
Rugby CAP Club
Science CAP club- would like different science experiments for cap in school.
Head boy and girl
Archory CAP- free choice cap on Friday.
Swimming- every class in the school will go swimming 2 classes a term will be able to go swimming and attend Forest School.
Woodwork in the art room for lesson 5 in own classes.
FK has asked for a post box in school to write nice messages on and he will go around school and give the letters to boys and girls in Hope School will be orginised for Monday morning,
Head boy and girl explained by Ms Gee boys and girls will deliver their speeches- Boys and girls have spent some of their English lesson completing their head boy and girls speech. Yesterday was no pens Wednesday- activity 1 what they enjoyed about No pens Wednesday and what they enjoyed and what can be improved for next years no pens Wednesday.
Boys enjoyed hit the button in mathamatics completing times tables , Role play in English .
All pupils are going to have 2 votes for head boy and head girl once the speeches have been read out by all selected pupils. Voters will posting their 2 votes in a post box and they will counted and read out in next weeks forum.Mr O'Neill and Mr Gorman will count the votes and the winners will be announced at the end of forum.
Thursday 27th September 2018
Ms Woodberry's Forum: Positivity and a positive mental attitude
Head boy and girl- Voting Yes next Thursday speeches will be completed and voting will commence.
Ms Bass- Lessons all will take part or can sit with SLT for refusing as all need to participate in lessons as they do in class.
Music Competition- Talent show for the last day of term.
New games for the Wii/Sega-
Small bikes on the large yard- Pupils can go on to the large yard on small bikes if careful and monitored.
Different lessons-
Science lessons- Jason- Would like more science based lessons in Hope School.
School Band- Option t cap time Jaeden can take names down and discuss this in school.
Ariel Ninjas-
School Uniform-
CAP Club to fix bikes- Bike ability was on this week and will be on next week tyres on bare and it cannot be done.
Pupils worked in groups to identify how we could help ourselves have better mental health. Pupils come up with a range of positive words and different ideas such as mindfulness and meditation as well as accessing our sensory rooms and exercising regularly. The pupils watched a video on mental health and watched children on the video discuss the small feelings they have every day. The second part of the video was the larger feeling children have throughout their day.Our small feelings can manifest into bigger feelings throughout the day and boys were guided to talk to staff, friends and parents.
Activity 1: How may you feel through out the day on one page then on the next page answer the question what could we do to help us with these small feelings throughout our day?
Boys came up with their own answers in their class groups.
Smaller feelings day to day Hope School boys discussed in their class groups.
Happy, sad, confident, exquisite and kindness, happy, scared, ecstatic, anxious, annoyed, angry, bad, depressed.
Mr Naik discussed and explained poor mental health and anxiety and how relaxation can help with anxiety he explains that everyone at some point will have anxiety over different aspects in their lives and how to deal with this emotion.
Thursday 20th September 2018
Ms Fox Forum: Fundraising Charity Ideas
From last weeks voting forum Habeeb, Callum and Tyesha are heading forum for this term.
Head boy and girl- voting next week
play dough CAP Club
Oragami CAP Club
Past event we had at Hope School have been the funfair, Red Nose Day, Christmas Jumper Day, RSPCA brought a dog in for Hope pupils ti take care of. Tomorrow we have our first charity event of this term Gene for Jeans Day bring in £1 you can wear your own jeans and every class will design their own jeans and win a prize for the best pair.
Activity 1: 3 minutes every child in their classes will discuss what charities they know of and what they do.
Answers: NSPCC, Christmas Jumper Day, Red Cross, Marie Curie, Genes for Jeans,
Ronald Mc Donald- Alder Hey Barnaddos, Charity shops- Oxfam, Alzimers and Cancer Research, Children in Need, Easter Egg donations- Alder Hey, WWAF, Cash for Kids, Food banks, Sport Relief, Age Concern. All boys will choose what charities they want Hope School to fundraise for, Ms Fox explained what some of the charities do that we can fundraise for as Hope School. The boys watched a Video shown to pupils on what mental health means to them on the video- looking into men's mental health as a school in forum.
Activity 2: The boys at Hope will now choose what charaties they will pick for Hope School to raise money for; they have chose a top three: Save the animals, Kids mental health, Cancer Research, Cash for kids, Young Cares.
What ways can we raised money for the charaties we have mentioned?
Sponsered walk, toy appeal, Christmas raffle, cake sale, Make Christmas decorations, visit from a turtle.
Forum ends> 10.58am
Voting Forum
All Hope School pupils voted for chair, secretary and treasurer.
Chair is: Callum M
Treasurer is: Habeeb A
Secretary is: Tyeshea L
Pupils also discussed:-
Changes to breakfast menu (To be discussed by SLT)
A school football team (MD to set up)
Possibility of a head boy and head girl (Pupils to decide next week if they would like to apply for role)
Monday 9th July 2018
Forum-Ms Gee -Transition
Open Day a fair car boot sale
CAP football at coa time if it is on to watch.
play time- play football at break time
Minecraft- SLT discussions of games
compatition- sports day on Friday 13th July 2018
Tuck Shop at break time- healthy schools cannot have crisps and chocolate.
Work- more life skills at cap time.
This weeks forum is about transition we have 2 weeks and 2 days left in school in September boys will be in new classes or left Hope School this July. Activity 1 What does transition mean ans what are the good and bad aspects of this answer in full classes.
Pupil's fed back their answers for Activity one, including what transitions mean and what are the good and bad aspects of transition. Transition is a fresh start that can be challenging and a little bit scary. Some of the good aspects fedback by pupil's were 'making new friends', 'meeting new people', 'shows that you have made progress'. Some of the bad aspects about transition's shared by pupil's were 'leaving their friends and staff', 'harder work', 'scary that its the unknown as its brand new'.
Activity 2
Pupil's were asked to share something special from their school year what they have enjoyed.
Activity 3
Pupil's were asked to share something they have learned this school year.
Activity 4
Pupil's were asked to share what they have planned for their summer holidays.
Activity 5
Pupil's were asked to share what they will miss about school in the summer holidays.
All boys in Hope completed a time capsule for what they were looking forward to come September in their new classes. Classes will be changed next week.
Activity: 6
Awards being given out: most likely to becomes a....comedian, space man, most likely to become famous, a writer etc. As a c;ass boys will decided who get theses different awards everyone should get at least one award.
Monday 2nd July 2018
See saw and swing for on the large playground KM
MD Poetry book in library page 34-45 poems written by boys in Hope School they won a competition and where published in the poetry book.
CW Water fight in school at the end of term-MD will lead and send letters home it will be next week
Maths party this Friday
CMc New climbing frame for the KS1 yard
EP Head phones some are broken
Forum today is about perseverance and how we use perseverance on a daily basis.
Activity 1
What is perseverance?
Boys came up with to carry on when things are difficult and not give up
Try to make friends
CW asked children to reflect on a time in their lives when they have had to persevere. How did it feel? What did you have to do?
Activity; Pupils will be given blindfold's and building blocks together they will guide a member of their team to build a building using the blocks whilst blindfolded.
Share some feeling or experience's they felt whilst completing the activity whilst blind folded?
Easy but some found it difficulty and gave up whilst others persevered with the building blocks activity.
RN- School Moto If I try I can- changer school motto to If I do I can rather than try
Monday 18th June 2018
Ms Fox Forum- World Cup
Boys discussed what the World Cup is and how not just males play football but females play football also. Boys voted on who would rather play football and break times and who would rather watch football the majority of boys picked football as their prefared sport to play rather than watch football being played.
Leavers this terms are NBL and discussion of a party.
CAP- Football and a Disco to be held at free choice cap.
Sports day MD will be held on the 13th July 2018 and will be held all day both inside and outside.
Maths Day JR
Colouring-More mindfulness colouring at social times within school.
Monday 11th June 2018
Forum - Miss Mahonney - Wellbeing
football team
using equipment at break time - baseball bats small ones will be used only by pupils
going to the park every mid week- Understands the rules of being in the park.
sleeping at CAP (nap time) During free choice on a Friday to go into a quiet space and rest.
new green machine-Cannot get new ones nothing insuficient with ones we have.
more fidget toys- like footballs and fidget cubes.
Mr Naik- We have cooling fans to keep the building cool please do not touch them.
Mr Darkins wanted to tell pupils how we have achieved the gold award for being an attachement school-Mr Naik explained to the pupils that as an attachment award we achieved gold and the behavior is improving at Hope School.
Asked what wellbeing is- to focus on happiness,comfort and health. Activity 1: Write down what you know about boys and girls?
Most men get better jobs, girls like soaps, girls like to wear make up but boys like to dance,girls are smaller and boys are taller, girls have high heels and boys have short hair, girls have babies and boys have beards. Girls go to the gym and biys play physical sports, boys are stronger than girls and girls pint their nails.
Boys shown a video of Always hash tag like a girl. Boys discused what they seen in the clips in the video: Boys were throwing in the visdio and stereotyping girls that they cannot lick a ball as good as a boy. Boys and girls ahve different body parts, what about the activities boys and girls can do differently? NT said to Ms Mahoney girls cannot play football but you can Miss. The now know s that regardless of gender you can do what you want and achieve anything.
Monday 4th June 1018
Forum Cancelled
Monday 14th May 2018
Forum- Mr Darkins-
Maths starter match 4 digit number closer to Mr Darkins number every class member will roll the dice and write down their number. Add all the numbers together to make a 4 digit number.
Activity 1: SMSC within Hope School: Boys asked the question What would you like to do to achieve these? then wrote in 4 boxes to answer what we can do in Hope School. Teachers SLT and LSA will discuss the SMSC Tracker ans what we can do as a school with the children.
A.O.B: Kagan Activity for any other business- it is an ideas of social learning.
Stress Toys
different cap acivities
Football team
More PE Kits
Blackpool sandcastle Water Park School Trip
More theraputty
New toys for wet break
Ipad games-minecraft
Sun awareness told to the boys in forum from Mr Darkins and Ms Lyndsey new cap club a school choir will be delivered by Ms Lyndsey boys will be taken on Friday to develop this CAP Club.
Monday 7th May 2018 Bank Holiday
Monday 30th April 2018
Ms Woodberry's Forum- The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
- Visitor's to perform a play at school.
- Attendance Trips.
- More extended plays.
- Play'doh.
- More sensory/ stress toys in class- example; Squishy Toys.
- A swing in the playground.
- A roundabout in the playgroup.
- Stunt scooters.
- More trips.
Announcement from MD- four boys have been selected from NU to have their poems published in a book- round of applause given.
Pupil's asked ' Can you tell me what has been in the news recently?'
- A royal baby has been born- what is the baby's name? Loui.
The royal wedding is taking place on 19.5.18 on the 18.5.18 the boys will be having a street party think of ways how to celebrate the royal wedding.
Ideas- Staff dress up as royal family, bouncy castle, disco.BBQ, slide and pie face game, Buffet food, bunting, wedding cake sale, party popper disco, dancing, design a cake, music, balloons, party games as pass the parcel, making party food. Choose top one to celebrate royal wedding and design class poster.
Pupil's were asked to design a poster full of ideas to help plan a day in school to celebrate the upcoming Royal Wedding on the 19th of May 2018.
Monday 23rd April 2018
Forum-Ms Fox.
- play times- Set activities and basketball posts waiting to be delivered for the playground.
- colouring in- Ms Lyndsey colouring competition get free art supplies of Hope School take part and if we win we win more supplies for Hope School boys.
- Ipads can we get new games on the Ipads
- free choice CAP Boxing waned as a CAP session for free choice.
Gold sets wanted for play ground actit=vities.
Focus - St. George's Day
Activity- Matching flag, Saints and their countries- Ms Fox took the boys through the answers from the activity.
Story of t George slaying the Dragon- St Georges flag is the flag for the UK it is made up of three different flags the English, Northern Ireland.
Activity tow to work in pairs and design your own class flag.
Forum International Mothers Earth Day -Ms Lyndsey.
Monday 16th April 2018
Maths Catch Phrase activity say what you see.
Any other business; Indoor Games have been ordered and awaiting delivery.
- More games on the ipad.
- A school disco to be organised.
- A football team to be constructed among pupil.
- A basketball or rugby to be introduced.
Forum Focus- International Mother Earth Day- Sunday 22nd April 2018
To think about how we can protect our earth. Can you think of other effects that dropped rubbish may effect the earth.
Dangerous to animals, kill people and animals, smells awful and kills sea life, ocean pollution and harms pets.
Task 2 picture and a problem to come up with a solution to these issues? How can we combat this issues in Liverpool and in our communtiies? Landfill sites need to be cleared, rubbish can hurt animals- solution- pick up as much rubbish as possible to help.
Make things from rubbish, make metal bottles and reuse them,use paper cups instead of plastic cups. Recycle instead of putting rubbish into landfills. Learn from other countries and recycle energy and rubbish.
Forum ends 11.00
Friday 13th April 2018 Forum Mr Gorman
Last terms voting boys- Kayden, Charlie and Ben W.
Stress toys- order more stress toys for classes- new stress toys in Sept.
Football teams at break time and Cap- Staff members will do numbers and picking of teams.
Wii games
Rugby at CAP
Gymnastics- Gymnastics at CAP time as a free choice.
Voting Forum for this terms Chair, Treasurer and Secretary
Date for attendance trip- Mr O'Neill is sorting this and dates will be confirmed once this is orginised.
Ms O'Neill- new outdoor eqiptment- ideas from boys -basketball hoops, big chalks, stick ball, new football goals for pitch, golf equiptment, swings, bikes for small pupils, bowling, bamington, slide, base ball equiptment, traffic light for the key stage 1 yard,
gardening equiptment, handball, table tennis.
Chair - William C vise Chair Kayden M
Secretary- Jayden G vice secretary Jack S
Treasure- Ellis M Vice Treasure Kayden M
Monday 19th Macrh 2018
What is Easter?
Ear defenders Nathan Look around school and order more if needed.
Reward trips and free choice cap MS O'Neill- After Easter trip for attendance 11 pupils are on this voted for this in forum
- What shall we base next trips reward trip on? Progress, Improvement, reading progress and maths progress.Free choice CAP will be on this week. What clubs do you want this week?
Mindfulness Colouring in, art club, boxing circuit, archery, climbing wall,
Ipad- Can people make sure that Ipad's are put away properly and put charge.
Games Cameron
Breakfast Club Joseph
Any Other Business Mr Darkins Reminder is about sharing gratitude and suggesting charties ect
What is Easter and how it is celebrated?
Activity one is to write what they know about Easter in their class groups.
Activity two: In classes the boys will decorate an Easter Bonnet and who ever designs the best Easter Bonnet will receive a prize it will be judged by SLT on Tuesday.
Forum End Time: 11.00
Monday 12th March 2018
Ms Lyndsey's Forum- Holi the Hindu Festival of Spring.
Emmanuel: new safe places, Kayden: new games on the laptops, Kallie-Ann: books, Nathan: singing contest, Joseph Jog around the school in the play ground, sports relief.
Art activity: In classes boys will create a large colourful picture that can be anything they want they will then wacth a video on Holi and how it is celebrated in India. Holi was explained to the boys in Forum and how the Hindu's celebrate Holi and have street parties and throw colours at each other.
Friday 23rd March for sports relief will be a session on the climbing wall Mr Darkins has organised this activity.
Activity- Place Mat on Spring.
Monday 5th March 2018
Forum is lead by Ms Fox: World Wild Life Day 2018
A.O.B: None
Previous discussion about forum minutes from last week. Boys took part in task about wild animals and wild life they built a profile in their classes with guidance from the boys in Sigma they then read out the facts they found to the whole school.
Monday 29th January 2018
Reasoning maths question.
Ms Lyndsey's forum Chinese New Year.
Ipads morning time follow instructions and no rchanging names on apps. Head boy- discussions will be next term in classes.
Break times-Mr Darkin's commented saying that boys have been congratulated for using equipment properly and have been organised well. Buy a swing for small key stage 1 yard, Robotics sessions in maths and DT lessons, football Theta would like to play football at break times on the filed if it is dry enough Mr Darkin's will organise this for the key stage 3 pupils. Cap will be Monday toi Thursday as life skills and free choice on a Friday. Class and school rules can be negotiable and non negotiable they wil be discussed in next weeks forum as to a non negotiable rule.
Chinese New Year this year is held from the 21st Jan to 19th February 2018, Chinese New Year represents the start of spring.In Liverpool Chinese New Year will be celebrated on the 18th February 2018. All pupils were asked how is Chinese New year celebrated in Liverpool city? They responded with, to celebrate Chinese culture, to celebrate Chinese people, to celebrate Chinese diversity with respect and diversity. Ms Lyndsey then discussed with pupils how Chinese people mark the celebration of Chinese new year including traditions (This year is the year of the dog) . The last activity was that the boys made a door sign for thei classroom within their own classes to show diversity and cultural respect.
Monday 22nd January 2018
Mr Jones Maths starter using soft drinks as a word problem. Pupil's were able to contribute their answers.
CAP today you will have the teacher that is. Below you in years classes until Friday you will be attending life skills classes.
- Colemendy-Different boys will go on this trip this year as well as camping.
- new maths equipment rulers, numercon, more base ten and more maths questions in class time.
-new bikes in the small yard.
-boxing for cap all of the equipment but we would need
-PSHE week trip to a martial arts gym 2 instructors who will teach you about self defence and skills upper classes.
- brown bread for breakfast club- will be ordered for boys at breakfast time.
- more maths questions
- new sega mega drive
-bikes and scooters for the little yard
Last week was martin Luther king day today they boys will learn what Martin Luther king did and come together as a class group to discuss what fair means, they can draw a picture or write down bullet points.
One person out of each class to discuss what they class a fair in ire groups.
Theta- being equal and treat people fairly no matter their race or gender.
Kappa- treat people fairly no matter their skin colour. NU-if things are not fare they make people sad and angry. Gamma- sharing and caring with others. Delta-everyone has the same rights and making everything suitable for everyone. In the USA every year the American and have a day odd every year to celebrate Martin Luther king day as it USB so important to them. Up until the nineteen sixties African Americans could not vote, had to move for white peoples to sit down on a bus, got to certain schools etc.
All boys in activity two were given a senario and will discuss this in their class group. How would you feel if you could not go out to play?
I have a dream speech playing as the boys leave the gym.
Monday 15th January 2018
Maths starter mental maths using football players and the numbers omnibus their shirts to show that numbers are all around us and can be used everyday.
Progress trip lots of boys have made progress last terms and class staff should have shared your progesss should we look at maths, English or reading SLT will be looking at progress trip for attendance. boys votes on attendance for a progress trip.
Boxing, football, new laptops, skate boards, roller blades, board games, new equiotment, ice skating, choices for cap clubs and bikes, water fight, DS, colouring, more trips, reading buddies announcement. Head boy, basketball.
Topic for forum today is break times- Based on the UN Rights of the child. In groups you’ll be given a sheet and a pieces of equipment boys needs to write down how else a football and other equiptment can be used in the playground. Boys were given. frisby, basketball, nothing,
kappa had nothing so they chose he’d and seek, races, tag and omega had the American football or rugby ball they came up with rugby- skilles used kicking, throwing and co-ordination. Sigma had a football- keep ups, dribbling, kicking, catching, one bounce- bounce a ball ad use a team and the ball once it has been kicked it cannot touch the floor. Gamma had a frisbee skills needed are throwing and catching, hand eye do ordination. Sigma had Tennis equiptment that can be used individually or in a group
Theta had a basketball they can play Kirby, throwing and catching if there’s was no net avalibale.
Forum ends at 10:55am
Friiday 12th January 2018
Forum lead by Mr Gorman Voting Forum
Voting for chair person, treasuring and secutery
Ben is our secutery this term. Boys applied to become the treasue are Charlie, Kieron, Kayden, Nathan, Jack. All boys go out of the gym and they are democratically voted in by all staff and pupils are given one vote. This term Kayden Is the treasurer and the vice treasurer will be Charlie. The chair person for this term will be Jaiden Grogan. Nathan brunskill discussed that candles should be introduced as he feels scented candles can be calming. However it has been discussed that this would be a fire hazard but school would look at alternatives for example like diffusers, scented plug in. Mr nail trainers, RN has highlighted that school footwear is not optional trainers are not allowed. The school have also ordered pumps for pupils without school shoes. Also pupils are not permitted to walk around school without any footwear as this is a health and safety hazard. Mr naik has also highlighted that chewing gum is not permitted whilst in school, pupils have been informed that chew toys are availiable to meet there sensory needs. Miss Jones has questioned whether trainers can be worn during school break time, this will be assessed whether individuals pupils will be able to wear there trainers during breaks. Mr naik have confirmed that school shoes can be kept overnight in school at pupils choice. Mr Gorman CAP discussed is week has been centred on life skills for example purchasing food, preparing than cooking. Cap will continue to focus on life skills for next week. Mr Gorman has asked pupils to feedback what they would like to do for life skills next week. Forum finished 9:04 am.
Cales for classes
More choices at cap time
Monday 11th December 2017
Forum Christmas throughout the ages
Nintendo DS for a cap club along with iPads
Boxing CAP Club.
Bagels for breakfast as another option rather than toast SLT will look at the price compared to toast.
water fight- can be orginnihsed for the summer terms.
Bike helmets
Draw a mind map about Christmastraditions
Christmas dinner
festive films
christmas jumpers
cherimqs parties
Activity 1
Matching Christmas pictures to the dates and names e.g: Nativity was created in 1223 by ST Francise of Assisi. The Christmas wreath represents green represents ever lasting light.
Christmas card began in 1843 a man called sir Henry coal started printing chrismas cards and selling them. Christmas trees in the Victorian era and we still have then today insteas of lights they would have candles on their Christmas tree. The last tradition invented was the chrismas cracker from Tom Smith.
Monday 4th December 2017
Forum today is on Christmas Jumper Day December 2017
Forum run by Ms Gee and Mrs Anderson
Fountain pens
Fundraising as a school and by classes SLT will discuss
More sports at break and CAP times
Football at break time one class a day do this at break time
Basket ball and hoop re order for the playground.
In classes design a class Christmas tree and the winning class wil be reviled on Christmas jumper day and win a prize.
Activity 1
Boys discussed in class groups what Christmas Jumper Day is about, who it supports and how it will raise money for people less fortunate than themselves.
Activity 2
To design your own Christmas jumper as a class team effort.
Mr Jones Forum- The power of image.
Mario Cart for the Wii when it is fixed and has a new wire and fidget spinner
New climbing helmets for the younger children in Hope School
Rubik Cube for cap sessions with board games
Nintendo switch for cap sessions- to expensive and games are to expensive also as we already have the Wii and other equiptment.
Playndough for younger boys- new play dough is in the resource room.
Hex Bugs for cap session and indoor breaks with board games.
Boxing for free choice cap on Fridays as we already have the equiptment.
Goal posts to be places back into the playground rather than just painted on goal posts- health and safety risk- keeping the painted goal posts.
Mr Jones spoke to the boys about the images they put on line such as selfies and other images and what is safe to out on line and what is not.
Mr Jones Forum- The power of image.
Mario Cart for the Wii when it is fixed and has a new wire and fidget spinner
New climbing helmets for the younger children in Hope School
Rubik Cube for cap sessions with board games
Nintendo switch for cap sessions- to expensive and games are to expensive also as we already have the Wii and other equiptment.
Playndough for younger boys- new play dough is in the resource room.
Hex Bugs for cap session and indoor breaks with board games.
Boxing for free choice cap on Fridays as we already have the equiptment.
Goal posts to be places back into the playground rather than just painted on goal posts- health and safety risk- keeping the painted goal posts.
Mr Jones spoke to the boys about the images they put on line such as selfies and other images and what is safe to out on line and what is not.
Forum Childen in Need delivered by Mr Darkins
iPad game and tunics cubes
fidget spinners
Toys at break time
Fridays children cane come to school in a spotty shirt or pjs we are a,so having cake sale at break time boys will make the cakes and a raffle will also be held on Friday.
Activity 1
Boys watched a video for children in need about scotlands Ezema
To match the story to the 7 that children in need are based on- Boys and staff read stories of children who are in need in the uk and who are helped by children in need. All boys fed back to the other classes in forum some of the individuals spoke about in activity 2 had physical, mental and leaning needs and the boys discussed this at length.
There are so many children who are less fortunate than ourselves however as a school we raises money and show gratitude and resilience.
Mr Gorman Forum on Cyber Bullying
Ice by bucket challenge
ramps for bikes and scooters
flappy birds game
trampolines And fidget spinners
class pets
children in need
Christmas cards
Asked a question on ciber bullying and questions given to the children to discuss- actions of cover bullying, what ciber bullying is and who you can talk to about this issue.
Activity 1 what is cover bullying? Bullying on line, sending inappropriate words to people and video wastchedby all key stages.
Activity 2 handed out paparazzi and statements and order them from 1 to 6.
activity 3 message out on the board and on the left just a joke and on the right ciber bullying decided.
All given information on how to report ciber bullying and given a tick box sheet what has been learnt today.
Maths question this morning about money.
Leaning Forum took place 2 boys from each key stage took their books to Mr O'Neill.
Mr Jones Forum Maths
Any other business: Boys asked what would they like to talk about at the beginning of forum.
Roller skating
Football and bikes
Mine craft that need to be paid for on ipads
iPad games
more choices for free choice cap
new wii games and a wii U Ms Embelton offered her old wii games to school
CLimbing wall used more for lessons
different PE kits
To raise the profile of maths at the start of every forum there will be a maths starter question- making e biggest and smallest number out of 4 digits the boys have been given.
Topic I this term is resilience- boys asked what does it mean answers were to keep on trying and to never give up on what you are doing.
Activity 1 To write with your none dominenet hand- boys said it was difficult but they did not give up- showing resilience in a short space of time.
Activity 2-Empathising with people who are blinds- A boy from each class has to be blind folded and walk to the end of the gym and collect the ball in front of them. They will show resilience by doing this until the ball has been collected as a team we can encourage people to be resilient and can help people to build their resilience.
Activity 3- Empathisi and showing resilience witty people who have missing limbs -boys found this activity difficult and had to be resilient to complete this activity.
Voting Forum next week Monday 6.11.17
Mr Darkins led forum this week, and our topic was British Values. Pupils discussed what it meant to be British, and explored famous Britons who are role models. In small groups we each investigated an area of British Values, exploring what terms meant and how we achieve them in our school.
Ms Gee- No pens Wednesday Forum
activity: no pens Wednesday lessons will be dinner on laptops, in paint and other materials as it is no pens Wednesday. Lessons that boys can take part in are a story follows:, painting, computers, PE, outdoor activities, cookery, google earth- geography, iPads, talking and listening activities, cap activities as basket ball. Experiments launch day type actvities, play dough disco. Clay activities in art.
Who do we listen to in school?
boys answered that they listen o and talk to staff, friends other pupils and guests.
In wedneday in all your lessons you will not write can you think of idea what you can do on No PEns wedneday.
lexia,music, drama and role play and dancing, art, numecon, base 10, clay and play dough disco, memmo, sumdog and cooking, art and bikes, forest school, cooking to follow instructions, puppet show, education city, Spanish, gymnastics.
Bikes- LM- Bikes are fixed now in the outdoor store Mr Darkins spoke to all boys about the bikes and how to look after them. Some more scooters for ks1 playgroun and a football team- will be at free choice Friday cap for next Friday and age groups will be looked at.
PSHEForum on self esteem by ms Lyndsey
Activity: song
how did you feel about the music and why? Happy because I enjoy dancing, felt silly becaus I think for young children, nervous and anxious but the next felt happy when taking part, embarrassed because I don't enjoy dancing, to old and mature for this song and dance. Confused because we weren't told why the song was out on.
Activity: whole school asked different sections of how did ms Lyndsey feel before,during and after her silent disco activity?
embarrased, anxious, embarrased, happy, music makes people happy, self conscious, happy, hungry, tired and hot. In school there will be times when you will be asked to do activities that will make you feel anxious and nervous you have 1 minute to discuss I classes then feedback. Asked to dance, first came to Hope School felt nervous, stand and talk in front of other boys in class.
Activity sherrades boys picked out an animal picture out of a cup and act it out building self esteem, motivation and joy in classes and using team building activities.
head boy I in classes now we will vote for a head boys and who wants to run for it head boy and make a Champlain go poster to represent the school on trips, visits etc. It has to be completed by the end of October half term.
trampolines as a cap club we maybe able to ask gatacre if we could use their equiptment. A slide for he bigger playground
Clubs at breakfast time let class staff know for breakfast club ideas, home work,reading etc
play dough used more in lessons using the art room.
Roald Dahl Quiz in forum
AOB: Bikes, Swings in the playground, new toys, Ipad games, Reading buddies, Minecraft, Class pets, Football team, Science experiments for CAP.
Boys discussed natural disaster- group work boys using post it notes to choose three main words to use when having a discussion about the Texas floods.
Gratitude is this terms theme for Hope School
Wobble chair,
Voting Forum
Ben- Chair
Kayden- Treasurer
Connor D- Secretary
Mr Gorman's Forum on Send my friend to school day.
AOB: CAP Clubs and new class lists will be discussed on Monday 17.7.17
Ms Lindsey Forum this week was about American Independence Day and the history behind the 4th July and how now how every state in America has their own rules and laws.
A.O.B: Next terms CAP clubs will be picked for September Autumn term 1.
Ms Woodberrys Forum was based around a Sports Quiz boys were mixed into four different groups and took part in a sports quiz naming different sports persons and their sport.
Archery for free choice cap today and as a cap club for the new term in September.
Using play dough as a stress toy- it is down to the class teacher to decide this.
Fidget spinners rules around school and boys who also took part in the bike ability course came to the front of forum and were given certificates for passing the course and taking part.
Forum by Mrs Anderson- Core Values- Growth
The boys were asked what are Hope Schools Core Values?
Gratitude, Resilience, Optimism, Wisdom, Teamwork and Honesty.
All boys took part in an activity to learn more about Hope Schools Core Values and how they will be imbedded in our Curriculum from September 2017. The boys were split into 6 groups and all came up with different activities that can be delivered on launch days for every Core Value. The activities were as follows: Bouncy castle, Painting a friendship bench for the playground, sports day activities and self portraits.
Ms Lyndsey Forum
Asked the boys what important events happened yesterday? Discussions on the general election ad what is democracy? Discussion on who rules the UK? some answer were the UK is free no one owns it, the army, the queen. Group activity discussion how we use democracy I school. Groups then wrote their own manifesto putting forward their argument to other class groups. Committees will votes later on today to see who would become Prime Minister.
AOB: Discuss new class names, names of animals, star signs, local trees, months of the year.
Trips: JW informed Theta they'll go on class trip later this year. MB discussed bike fixing and respect for equipment.
Mr Darkins Forum Sports
Think pair share Kagan activity- Boys were asked what do you get when you take part in a activity? Some answers were Friendship, medals, healthy lifestyle, feeling of achievement. The boys were shown pictures of sports day and asked to discuss the emotional values that sorts gave people and to look at the confidence on the boys faces in the pictures at Hope School.
Activity: In mixed class groups pick a topic of PE Kit, trips, visitors, sports events and discuss the for and against for those topics and as a democratic school the one with the most votes will have some budget spend on this for next term. The boys oickd trips
AOB:Own clothes every Friday and Boxing s a free choice cap option.
Forum 19.05.2017
Ms Lyndsey's Forum: National Millionaire Day
Boys took part in the quiz and game who wants to be a millionaire in classes they answered multipul choice questions and they learnt about millionaire day.All boys were asked if they had any other business to discuss after the learning part of forum had finished: Boys would like more outdoor equipment for the playground and Minecraft on the laptops and computers in school.
Ms Woodberry Forum Anti Bullying
Create a anti bullying poster in class groups.
AOB: Games n the Ipads- need to talk to the tech guys. Empty classroom day were all lesssons will be outside Football- getting another goal for the boys who enjoy playing football at break time-Mr Darkins will look into this. Camping this term will be organised ad each class will go in July 2017. Use of bikes for CAP time as weather is getting better ad to order more balls- told to look after ones we have as they get kicked over onto Gateacres field.
Khailds Story Forum Ms Naik
Told the boys what is meant by the term refugee is and told the boys about Khalid's story. he boys also took part in a activity as a whole school to stand up and stand in a wavy line all staff and children t listen to music then explain how it made them feel as individuals then as a group. The boys said they felt sad, drained and tired, hated, angry. The boys were asked why they had been spoke to about this particular story today and some answers were because we have refugee children now in Hope School, we have more than the refugees s we should help them.
Holocaust Memorial Day Ms Lofus
What is the holocaust and why do we remember the people who dies in holocaust and other events. Boys discussed discrimination of religion ad disability. In small groups boys answered the question Why is it important to remember the past? Some answers were so we don't forget lesson we learnt, to remember family and friends. Activity: to draw a picture frozen on paper of a wonderful memories you cherish some boys drew pictures of holidays, family, friends and past relatives.
Red Nose Day Forum
The boys took part I being funny for money, selling cakes.
AOB: Choose own CAP clubs this term and free choice cap on Fridays. Cap ideas: Ipads, cooking, puzzles, dodge ball, basketball,. Easter competition design a poster at home what Easter mans to you and the winning entry will receive a prize for this activity.
AOB: Music concert on the 23.3.17 for all upper and lower school. National happiness day boys will be informed of updates soon.
Red Nose Day Ideas Forum
Boys looked at what themes they wanted to reproduce around school to be funny for money and raise money and awareness for other people less fortunate. Boys were shown a video of people suffering from Ebola and how the donations made from Hoppe School an many other schools around the world hep support the children orphaned by this disease.
Forum Mr Darkins
Celebrating other cultures S
MSC Chinese New Year Mr Darkins explained the story of the Niam to the boys I key stage 2/3. Why the people celebrating Chinese New Year wear red for good luck, Red envelops filled with money, Celebrations in China Town. Activity: To make your own Chinese new year calendar within your class groups. AOB: Trainers in school only at break tie if you have school schoes, fishing as a school trip maybe to expensive and permits will e needed.
Forum Mr Gorman British Values
Presentation and explanation of British Values and boys were asked to write down what makes them British and what gives them British Values they answered with The royal family, British Law, Having tea and cakes, Our Prime Minister. Boys were given 30 seconds thinking time to answer the questions what di we have in common at Hope School ?
Rights Respecting Forum
The boys were sown a video on global rights an asked as a school what can we do to achieve the global rights respecting mark for Hope School. In groups of 5 the boys took part in an activity they were given global goals as asked how we could help achieve these. The boys answers were as follows, do not waste food, recycle energy, switch off lights, wind turbines, climate change. Any other business: Out door equipment ordering when boys take care of their footballs ect.
Eco Forum Mr O'Neile
Looking at how electricity is used today and how to preserve it for further generations. The boys were shown pictures of world war equipment and asked to identify them and their electricity usage. They completed activities in 5 small groups to sort out the every day wattage and price of currently every at item as a kettle into what is the most and leas expensive to run. Any other business: The eco grower is coming into school to complete activities with the eco- warriors.
Remembrance Sunday Forum: Ms Woodberry
Ms Woodberry delivered presentation on Why we have remembrance Sunday ad who It is for. The boys took part in activities about remembrance Sunday they in classes made their own poppy wreathes. Any other business: Boys spoke to staff and pupils jump nation pupil progress trips, Christmas jumper day and donations, santa flight for lower school pupils and Syrian clothes collection.
Forum Ms Speers Health Schools
Activity: Boys in small class groups looked at food labels and decided which had less salt and sugar. Any other business: Boys asked about using the green sensory room for CAP time and where also asked to discuss next terms CAP.
Article 31; Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural activities.