Keeping Our Children Safe Online- Texting, Social Media, Gaming, The Internet and More
Helpful websites for Parents and Carers
Keeping children safe when using the internet and social media is a high priority for us. Please use these resources that will help you to speak with your child about how they can keep themselves safe, and what to do when there is an issue. E-safety is very important to the school so please report any incidents of cyber bullying or inappropriate texting or use of social media to Mrs Anderson. This can be done by phone (0151 235 1410), email , by using the 'Text Someone' service or using the virtual school gate on this website.
Advice for parents about talking to your child about creating, sending or receiving explicit images:
An e-learning tool for parents and carers:
Support for parents and carers
This pack offers guidance on how to approach discussions with children about commercial content online:
Back to school basics for digital families:
Facebook privacy settings:
Top tips for iPhone, Blackberry, Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox, iPad and iPod touch:
Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) Centre website for parents and carers:
Information for keeping your child safe online: