Help and Support for Our Parents and Carers
The ADHD foundation
Below is a list of links and support available
- ADHD In The Classroom
- BBC Parental support
- Breathing to Relax
- ADHD & Bullying
- Liverpool Adult ADHD
- Cool Down At Christmas
- Mental Health Foundation Resources
- Breakfast & ADHD
- How do I Recognise ADHD
- Parental SEN Advice
- Cooling Down & Letting Off Steam
- Primary Strategies for Schools
- Sensory Integration Network
- Education, Health & Care Assessment Booklet
- Sleep Checklist
- Russell Barkley: Ideas for parents
- Hints & Tips
- Observation List on ADHD
- ADHD & You
- Individual Education Plan
- ADHD and Comorbid Conditions
- 42nd Street Resources
- Questions To Ask The SENCO
- Recognising Anxiety and Stress Reduction Strategies
- Transendental Meditation & ADHD
- Regular Sleep Routine
- National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service
- Managing Challenging Behaviour
- ADD/ADHD Online Information
- Sleep Diary Template
- Speak up for kids videos
- Tourettes Syndrome Support
- Trudy Styler & ADHD
- UK ADHD Support
- National Autistic Saociety & ADHD
- Bridging the Gap: Optimising Transition from Children’s Services to Adult Services
- Additude Online magazine
- Body Relaxation
- ADHD Patient Guide
- Mindfulness in Integrative Healthcare
- ADHD Fact Sheet
British Dyslexia Assosiation
As a parent or carer for a child with dyslexia, you want to provide the best possble support for them. The information contained within this section looks at indicators of specific learning difficulties, as well as supporting your child both at home and within the education system to ensure that they achieve the best possible outcomes.
The resources page contains many useful documents that are referenced to within the pages of this section.
If you require further information on dyslexia you can call our National Helpline.
See website for more help and support
The Isabella Trust training and parent support
Use the link to book training
Our short courses and workshops are aimed at all those with an interest in the care and education of children and young people. They are of particular relevance to parents or guardians, child minders, nursery staff, teachers, SENCOs, teaching assistants and paediatric health care professionals. For our current dates of available courses and workshops please see the events page. We regularly run the following courses:
Sensory Processing Difficulties Course
The aim of the course is to provide attendees with an introduction to sensory processing disorder (SPD). Through interactive and visual learning sessions attendees will get the opportunity to experience and reflect upon the everyday challenges that children and young people with SPD encounter. Further to this, practical support strategies will be explored for both the home and school environments.
On completing the course attendees will be able to begin to distinguish between ‘behaviour’ and the characteristics of SPD.
Sensory Strategies Course
The sensory strategies course will provide a brief over view of sensory processing disorder and some of the characteristics associated with it. It will then go on to explore in more detail practical support strategies to support children and young people with sensory processing difficulties.
Parents and carers will complete work sheets encouraging the attendees to think about sensory diet activities and a framework that may support their child with their sensory needs. On completing the course attendees using the worksheet will identify some of their child’s sensory seeking/ avoiding behaviours and strategies and activities that may support their child within home and community settings.
Eating Difficulties Course
This course explores some of the reasons as to why children experience eating difficulties/”fussy eating” and how all those that care for and support the child can help to increase their confidence, motivation and ultimately the number of different foods that they eat.
Tears, tantrum’s and pain in everyday activities Course
Within this course we take a closer look as to why individuals can find everyday activities such as toothbrushing, hair and nail cutting, dressing and bathing distressing, and in some instances painful. Not only will attendees develop their understanding of such difficulties but they will also leave the course equipped with the holistic strategies and knowledge needed to support and develop their child’s abilities and independence in such tasks.
Toileting Workshop
Within this workshop we have a look at some of the reasons as to why your young person is struggling to become toilet trained and strategies you can use to help them achieve independence.
Praxis Workshop
This workshop takes a closer look at Praxis and what associated difficulties your young person may be experiencing within the home environment. Strategies and interventions will also be explored to ensure you feel more equipped to support and develop such difficulties.
Lets Talk Together
A course for parent’s, carers and school based practitioners wanting some key skills and knowledge in developing the communication skills of children with social communication needs including Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC).
The course is taught over seven 2hr sessions usually delivered weekly.
The aims are:
- To share information about normal speech and language development and how children with social communication needs develop their communication skills.
- To know about the different communication challenges these children have to deal with.
- To discuss ideas and learn practical strategies to help them learn to listen, understand, talk and interact.
- To meet other parents and carers.
NAS Sensory Needs
This course aims to gives parents and carers an introduction to the sensory systems and sensory processing. It explores the potential differences in sensory processing that might be experienced by children.
The aims of the course are to provide parents and carers with a better understanding of sensory processing. To explore how sensory differences may affect your child and to share strategies and approaches to help your child’s sensory needs.
NAS Understanding Autism
This course provides parents and carers with an opportunity to discuss the road to diagnosis as well as providing an introduction to autism, communication and sensory needs.
The aims of the course are to gain a better understanding of how autism affects your child. To gain information to support you and your child and to share experiences, strategies and approaches.
Pathological Demand Avoidance
The aim of the course is to provide attendees with an understanding of pathological demand disorder (PDA), some of the behaviours children with PDA may display and strategies that may support them.
Through interactive learning sessions attendees will get the opportunity to experience and reflect upon the everyday challenges that children and young people with PDA encounter. Further to this, practical support strategies will be explored.
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network is a Community Interest Company, not for profit social enterprise. They provide open access, community-based learning, coaching and mentoring programmes and health, wellbeing and enrichment activities for families with a child living with a Neurodevelopmental condition including autism spectrum disorder, HFA, sensory processing difficulties, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, fragile X, communication difficulties, special educational needs and disability.
They aim to equip and empower parents, carers, children and young people with the skills, tools, knowledge and confidence to better recognise, understand and meet their needs and those of their family.
They support families pre, during and post diagnosis to find the answers for themselves, offering:
Open access, community-based solution focused drop-ins
6 week Neurodevelopmental Pathway Family Learning Programme
Community Network Groups – open access learning workshops for parents/carers and supporting professionals and family activities
Children, Young People and Siblings Groups and activities: for children, young people aged 5-19 living with Neurodevelopmental conditions and their siblings
Awareness Raising Training for families and professionals: Neurodevelopmental conditions, Sensory Process Difficulties and Eating Difficulties associated with Neurodevelopmental conditions.
See their website: (what’s on week by week) or telephone the office on 0151 486 1788 or email:
CAMHS information for parents and carers
If you're worried about a child or need advice and support for coping with anything affecting your child's emotional or mental health, there are different ways to seek help.
Find advice and support on the NHS website
On the NHS website you can look up services that provide mental health support for young people.
For more general advice, see our mental health hub, which includes advice about:
Other sources of support
Lots of general advice and support can also be found online such as:
YoungMinds offers free confidential online and telephone support to anyone worried about the emotional and mental wellbeing of a child or young person up to the age of 25.
- call the free parents' helpine on 0808 802 5544 from 9.30am-4pm, Monday to Friday
- email and YoungMinds will respond to your query within three working days
The charity also has information for parents and carers about mental health.
MindEd is an online e-portal offering free, simple advice to help adults identify, understand and support children and young people with mental health issues.
Although it is aimed at professionals, parents and carers may also find the information helpful.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
You can also find out more by exploring the Royal College of Psychiatrists' leaflets for parents and young people.
These include mental health information tailored for young people, parents, teachers and carers.
When to seek professional help
There is a difference between feeling a bit low from time to time and a serious emotional health problem. If your child is feeling unhappy and low for a prolonged period of time, it's time to seek more professional help.
Any professional working with children and young people should know what to do. For example, if you approach a teacher for help with bullying, the teacher might deal with the problem with the help of a school counsellor or welfare worker.
If the problem is more complex, the professional you initially approached may suggest getting help from colleagues with more specialist training.
A GP might refer a parent of a child with behaviour problems to a local parenting programme, or a young person who is depressed might be referred to specialist CAMHS.
You should contact your local support services immediately if you are aware of a child or young person at serious risk of harm.
Fusion offer weekend, after school and holiday break for children with SEND.
Find additional information on the local offer website
Rohit Naik WIns Pearson Silver Award Headteacher of the Year 2017
Health minds, healthy babies- successfully engaging the community and their babies.

Domestic Violence Parent Support
Hope Positive Pathways
Parent Partnership Policy
Support if you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic abuse
How to Keep your child Safe Online
Are you ready and supporting Safer Internet Day? Tuesday 9th February 2021.
Since its launch in 2004, Safer Internet Day has grown and is now a landmark event globally, in the online safety calendar. It is celebrated in approximately 170 countries worldwide.
From cyberbullying to social networking to digital identity, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns.
What do Safer Internet Centres do?
Established in January 2011, the UK Safer Internet Centre is one of the 31 Safer Internet Centres of the Insafe network. The UK centre has three main functions:
· Awareness Centre: to provide advice and support to children and young people, parents and carers, schools and the children's workforce and to coordinate Safer Internet Day across UK.
· Helpline: to provide support to professionals working with children and young people with online safety issues.
· Hotline: an anonymous and safe place to report and remove child sexual abuse imagery and videos, wherever they are found in the world.
How can you help and Support Safer Internet Day?
By visiting the website, you will be directed to a global online community platform where countries and international organisations will showcase events and actions conducted locally, nationally and internationally for Safer Internet Day.
Within these pages you will find a wealth of multilingual resources empowering young people, teachers and families on how they can make the best possible use of online technology in a safe environment. It is a space where leaders in the internet safety community can communicate with the public and exchange ideas, knowledge and experience with each other.
The website can be found here:
All information and resources for Safer Internet day can be found at the below link.
Are you worried about people who are older that your child taking advantage of their age, special needs and vulnerbility? Its called Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Understanding Dyslexia- A Guide for Families
Parent and Carers Activites Resources
Article 12; Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. This right applies at all times, for example during immigration proceedings, housing decisions or the child’s day-to-day home life.
Article 18; Both parents share responsibility for bringing up their child and should always consider what is best for the child. Governments must support parents by creating support services for children and giving parents the help they need to raise their children.