What You Said and What We Did
We welcome honest feedback from our parents and carers at any point in the year. We operate an open door policy and staff are happy to meet with parents at a mutually convenient time. We request that you contact the office to arrange a suitable time as we are a busy school and want to ensure the most appropriate member of staff is available to help.
Throughout the year we collect information about 'What Works Well' and 'What Could be Even Better'. We will update this section of the website to let you know how your feedback has improved the way we work.
Some of your feedback has included the comments
'All the staff are amazing'.
'I know my child feels safe at Hope School. Because of this I feel safe when he is not with me'.
For more comments about what parents say about the school please see Family Case Studies in the 'What parents say about us', parents section of the website.
In the Summer Term 2015 you told us
What Works Well..................
- You never send my child home or exclude him.
- Great communication- letters, phone calls, texts and emails.
- The Family Works Programme is the best thing we've ever done.
- I feel welcome in school and get invited in for good reasons.
- The staff really understand my sons special needs.
- The consist points system.
- Small class sizes.
- Eeze Trip App is so easy to give permission for trips and visits.
- The new reports that are emailed to us. Great to see photos to show my child really enjoying learning.
What Could Be Even Better
- It would be great if parents could access the online points system at home- this is something Mr Anderson is going to investigate.
- It would be good if school could provide me with a menu to show what my child is eating for lunch so that I don't cook the same meal at home. We have now updated this information on our website and will also sent menus home with children.
- Reports to show children's levels- The government have now removed levels and so we now report to parents in a different way to reflect these national changes. We will inform you the stage your child is at in relation to their age and also about the small steps of progress they make throughout the year.